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Fall 2021
Commemorating Constitution Week
Shown, from left in the photo with Mullins Mayor Robert Woodberry are Constitution Week Chair Joan Johnson, Bettise Davidson, Lynne Atkinson and Chapter Regent Shirley Cayton.
Shown, from left, in the photo with Marion County School Superintendent Dr. Kandace Bethea are chapter members Suzanne Meetze, Lina Rice, Bettise Davidson, Pam Wells Williams, Atkinson, and Chapter Regent Shirley Cayton.
Summer 2019
State Regent Libby Billham attended a joint meeting of the Drowning Creek Chapter (Nichols) and the Blue Savannah-Swamp Fox Chapter (Mullins-Marion) on September 18. The members enjoyed their time with Libby, as she brought greetings from the President General and informed us about her state projects.
Standing as witnesses were, from left, Lynn McElveen, Bettise Davidson, Jeannine Wells, Dianne Poston Owens, Gwynne Ann Sawyer, Carolyn Miles, Lynne Atkinson, Suzanne Meetze and Judy Fulmer.
Marion County DAR chapters, students celebrate Constitution Week
Several events aided MARION county’s students in remembering Constitution Week, Sept 17-23. Members of the Drowning Creek Chapter (Nichols) and Blue Savannah-Swamp Fox Chapter (Mullins-Marion) of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution attended a proclamation signing in the Marion School District Board room and the Pee Dee Academy Student Council appeared with Headmaster Hal Townsend for a proclamation signing. Additionally, during Constitution Week several county schools offered “spotlights” of sections of the Constitution and its Amendments in the classroom and though PA announcements.Shown with Holly Jackson, City of Mullins administrator; Candace Bethea, Marion County School Superintendent; and Ashley Brady, City of Marion mayoR. (from left, seated); are members of the Drowning Creek Chapter and Blue Savannah-Swamp Fox Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The occasion was the witnessing of the signing of a proclamation declaring Sept. 17-23 Constitution Week in Marion County.
In august, Regent, Dianne Posten Owens and fellow chapter Daughters attended the annual South carolina state society daughters of the american revolution (SCDAR) District VI meeting held at historic Hopsewee Plantation in Georgetown, South Carolina. The chapter received the Chapter Achievement Award Level 2 2018 and the NSDAR Constitution Week Leadership Award.
It's official! Chapter member Sally Brice is the national Society daughters of the american revolution (NSDAR or DAR) 3rd place winner of the American Heritage Committee's annual Fiber Arts competition. Congrats to all the state winners!
February 2019
Images courtesy of the Blue Savannah-Swamp Fox Chapter NSDAR.
Flags are presented during the chapter's annual wreath-laying service that commemorates General Francis Marion Memorial Day in Marion, South Carolina on the courthouse square. THe Event was attended by regional and State DAughters.
February 2018: Excellence in Education
Jerri White welcomes members and dar Good citizen essay winners to the Excellence in Education program. dar good citizen essay winners for the 2018 are shown with Marion County School Superintendent, Kandace Bethea.
September 2017
SCDAR state officer, Jane Harvey, speaks to the chapter about leadership in DAR.
Historic Marker Dedication Ceremony
October 2016
On a sunny day in October 2016, members of the Blue Savannah Swamp Fox Chapter NSDAr, under the leadership of Regent Sally Brice, with the help of members of the Giles Reg't., Britton's Neck Militia reenactors, conducted a dedication service for the new historical marker near the Blue Savannah skirmish site in south carolina.
Historic Marker Dedication Ceremony
March 18, 2012
Mrs. Mary Eaddy ~ 2011 Women in History Celebration ~ March 23, 2011
Approximately 135 people attended the Women in History Celebration at the Marion County Museum, held in honor of Mary Eaddy.
A tireless advocate of the homeless, she has been a community leader and church leader whose service has improved the lives of many people in Marion County, south carolina.
Right: PAST Regent Bettise Davidson presents Mary Eaddy with an NSDAR Woman in History certificate.
(Photograph by Jerri White)
Wallace Lee Foxworth, Jr ~ SCDAR Outstanding Teacher of American History ~ March 26, 2011
Wallace Foxworth, center, is a teacher at Johnakin Middle School in Marion, south carolina, and the Blue Savannah-Swamp Fox Chapter nsdar Teacher of the Year. he was selected as the South Carolina State Society’s Outstanding Teacher of American History. Honorary State Regent, Marilyn Altman, and PAST SCDAR State Historian, PEnny Renwick, presented Mr. Foxworth with a pin, certificate and check on March 26, 201, at the SCDAR State Conference in Columbia, south Carolina.
(Photographs by Jerri White)
Tamassee DAR School
The project closest to the heart of South Carolina Daughters, who rallied to the needs of the mountain children of South Carolina in 1919 is Tamassee DAR School. Support, both financial and physical, is given lovingly by the South Carolina Daughters.
Photos from left to right:
After passing through the entrance to Tamassee DAR School, visitors drive over an old bridge and catch a glimpse of the beautiful rapids.
Chapel bells chime on the hour at Tamassee.
The auditorium is one of Tamassee's historic buildings.
No one can leave Tamassee without spending a few quiet moments in the Margaret Lipscomb Garden.
Please visit our scrapbook page regularly to enjoy our chapter's activities!