David Hopkins Chapter, NSDAR
Chapter members recently enjoyed a tour of the Hopkins Family Cemetery in Hopkins, SC. Even though David Hopkins is not buried here, but at another location nearby, one of the chapter's most distinguished members and its first regent, Laura Jervey Hopkins, is interred here. See the National Register of Historic Places plaque below.
Several members of the chapter took a walk along the boardwalk at Congaree National Park near Hopkins, SC on Sunday afternoon, November 10, 2013, following a program with Fran Rametta, retired park ranger. This unusual tree was just off the boardwalk.
The chapter toured the Woodrow Wilson Family Home in Columbia, SC on Sunday afternoon, April 9, 2017.
Chapter members celebrated the chapter's 65th anniversary in November 2017. Our chapter was organized November 14, 1952.
Longtime chapter member Violet Fetner and her daughter Terry Phillips, also a member, enjoy chatting with Roger Stroup, following his program on the history of the South Carolina State Fair, Sunday afternoon, November 12, 2017.
If you would like more information about the DAR, including membership requirements,
please email our chapter contact: Jane Shuler
Please visit our National and State Society home pages below:
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
South Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution