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Welcome to the Winyah Chapter, NSDAR
Georgetown, South Carolina
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution


The Winyah Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR), is located in Georgetown, South Carolina, and was organized on April 17, 1965. Our organizing regent was Lillian Knox Seale. In 1989-90, the Winyah Chapter Chapter, NSDAR, began hosting an annual National Defense Luncheon, featuring noted speakers from all branches of the armed forces. A flag retirement service was first organized in 1991-1992, with seven state and national officers in attendance, along with city officials, chapter members, local firemen, a Boy Scout troop, a high school color guard, and the new society of the Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) members. This annual service continues to be supported by the community. A tree from Mount Vernon, President George Washington's estate in Virginia, was planted in front of one of our local historic sites. Eleven DAR grave markers for deceased Winyah Chapter, NSDAR, members have been placed and dedicated to celebrating the organization of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. The chapter continues to mark the graves of deceased members. We presently have over 70 chapter members.


If you would like more information about the DAR, including membership requirements, please contact our chapter. Visit our State and National Society web sites to learn how you can become a member.

South Carolina State Daughters of the American Revolution
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

