Behethland Butler Chapter, NSDAR Greenville, South Carolina
Chapter History
Behethland Butler Chapter, NSDAR was organized November 7, 1912, by Kate Towne Corbett (Mrs. L. G. Corbett). The chapter was named for Behethland Foote Moore Butler. Behethland Moore, at the age of fifteen, journeyed at night to warn patriots of danger. She later married Captain William Butler, son of Captain James Butler, both of whom served in the American Revolution.
In the early days of the chapter, it supported national and state projects during the construction of Continental and Constitution Halls at the national headquarters of the DAR in Washington, D.C. These projects included the South Carolina Continental Hall column and box, together with seats in the auditorium.
Members were among the founders of the DAR School in Tamassee, South Carolina; they gave memorials and bought bonds toward funding the first building of the mountain school.
Over the years, students in colleges and schools in Greenville and Parker School Districts were awarded medals, encouraging youth to appreciate American History and to promote good citizenship.
Daughters responded to World War I by knitting, manning bond booths, buying bonds, and cooperating with other women in aiding soldiers here and overseas. During World War II, the chapter contributed $300 to the Blood Plasma fund; helped with bond drives, bought bonds, etc. Mrs. Foster McKissick served as county Red Cross chairman and state chairman of the South Carolina National Defense, Women's Division. Further contributions to the national war effort included contributions, programs, and resolutions.
The chapter presented DAR Manuals for Citizenship to naturalized citizens. Representation at Continental Congress in Washington, D.C., inspired members to study national issues, encouraged participation by voting, and the support of state and national DAR goals. The chapter presented U.S. Flags to schools and observed Flag Day. Today, the chapter observes Constitution Week and sponsors the annual American History essay contest in area schools. The Essay Contest winner is honored at a luncheon each February, where the winning essay is read and an award is given to the winner. A pewter Jefferson cup is awarded annually to the outstanding American History student at Furman University. DAR Good Citizen pins are awarded, and bronze ROTC medals are given in area schools. We also sponsor a Junior American Citizen chapter in an Anderson County School. We are the sponsoring chapter for Captain William Butler Society, Children of the American Revolution.
Over the years, chapter members have contributed generously to Tamassee DAR School. Gifts were given to Tamassee High School and All State's stairway. Each year during the holiday season, the chapter sponsors a Tamassee meeting, with speakers from the school giving reports on the current progress at the school. At that time funds are donated, and "thrift" is sent to the school thrift shop. Many Campbell Soup labels have been contributed over the years to go toward the acquisition of several vans for the transportation of students.
Donations were given toward the South Carolina Cottage restoration, the new dining hall, and Tamassee Chapel chimes fund. A number of our members have served on the Tamassee Board of Directors. Mrs. Perry Woods, Katherine S. Smith, Joseph O. Jones, Alleene B. Crawley, Bettye S. Kittrell, and Elizabeth Esposito.
Seven Patriots' graves were marked and five historical markers were placed.
Three chapter members have served as State Regent of the South Carolina State Society, NSDAR: Grace Jones Mauldin (1927-1929); Alleene Barker Crawley (1982-1985); and Elizabeth Jackson Esposito (1997-2000). Mrs. Mauldin, Mrs. Crawley, and Mrs. Esposito also served as Vice Presidents General. Jo Ann Esposito Rogers was the 1990 SCDAR Outstanding Junior Member.
(From "History of the South Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. V." Compiled by: Alleene Barker Crawley)