Ann Pamela Cuningham Chapter, NSDAR
Columbia, South Carolina


Ann Pamela Cuningham chapter member presented the Ann Pamela Cuningham Chapter wreath at the The Battle of Musgrove Mill Commemoration on August 17, 2024 at the State Park near Clinton, SC.  The Battle of Musgrove Mill was a victory for the patriots following the disastrous defeat at Camden. 

General Thomas Sumter, The Fighting Game Cock, was honored at his grave site in Sumter, SC on August 3rd.   APC was well represented with the SC DAR District 5 Director and others attending. The new APC wreath was also presented at the ceremony.  A speaker gave a history of the General and his family and the musket Honor Guard gave a salute

Rita Johns Scott would be thrilled to know that her three daughters would be members of The Ann Pamela Cuningham Chapter as one of the sister’s application was endorsed at our March Spring Luncheon at The Palmetto Club.

APC’s February meeting was held at Trinity Cathedral Satterlee Hall with a lovely Valentine’s Day theme. Members enjoyed guest speaker’s program on the SC churches that were occupied by the enemy during the Revolutionary War.

What a special way to begin our Ann Pamela Cuningham Chapter year with a meeting in the Governor’s Mansion.  So close to Constitution Week it was fitting that Governor McMaster spoke, with authority, on the Constitution and then delighted members with intriguing details of South Carolina’s role in the American Revolution.

Service Project

Members of Ann Pamela Cuningham Chapter enjoyed fun and fellowship as they honored their namesake by cleaning her tombstone located in the First Presbyterian Church graveyard.  Members were extremely pleased with the results. 

Our February meeting was held at The Governor’s mansion with guest speaker Zach Lemhouse, Staff Historian from The Culture and Heritage Museum of York Co. and Director of the Southern Revolutionary War Institute. He spoke about the remarkable Heroine and Patriot of the Revolutionary War, Martha Bratton.  Our former APC Regent, Martha Chandler is named for her & is a direct descendant.

Members of the Ann Pamela Cunningham Chapter, DAR, signed over 460 Christmas cards which were  distributed to patients at the Williams Jennings Bryan Dorn VA Hospital.  The hospital has 221 beds of inpatient care and cards were placed on meal trays over a 2 week period to thank Veterans for their service to our country.  Our Chaplain presented staff at the Office of Volunteers our Christmas cards. The Veterans expressed their thanks to the membership for bringing cheer to those who were ill during the holidays.  

Regent & grandniece of Mary Chevillette Simms Oliphant laying a wreath at her grave in Barnwell, SC. She has been nominated by our chapter to be added to the list of SC women who were influential in our state’s history. 

December program was a Wreath laying ceremony at Ann Pamela Cuningham’s grave on December 7th at First Presbyterian Church with chapter members. Wreath laying at the Revolutionary General’s Monument at the State House grounds followed. 

APC Daughters were introduced to Eliza Lucas Pinckney portrayed by a living history interpreter. She is the author of Eliza Lucas Pinckney: Colonial Plantation Manager and Mother of American Patriots which chronicles Eliza's life in the 18th century. Members and guests were captivated with the period dress and her speaking in accepted verbiage of the day.

October 2022 - Educational, Historic & Patriotic

For our October program we traveled to the Historic Camden Foundation & War Museum.

October 6, 2021
“South Carolina and the American Revolution.”

November 3, 2021
“Our Columbia, South Carolina Patriots.”

Tour of the South Carolina State House

March 2, 2022
“How The Treaty of DeWitt’s Corner Changed the Face of South Carolina”, presented by the director of the South Carolina Department of Archives.

Wreath laying at Ann Pamela Cuningham’s grave at First Presbyterian Church Cemetary


Members at the South Carolina State DAR Conference

Members visited the final resting places of South Carolina Patriots buried in Columbia

Revolutionary War Generals Monument, Laying of Wreath, and State House Portrait Tour

PHOTOs COURTESY OF chapter members